Understanding Root Domains: Definition and Examples

7 Min Read

Root Domain sounds technical, right? It may sound technical, but it plays a vital role as it impacts your website's visibility and search engine rankings. So, to improve your online success, it is essential to understand the concept of Root Domain. This article will look into root domains and everything related to them. Root Domains are the foundation on which your website stands.

It's interesting to note that while there are approximately 2 billion websites on the internet, fewer than 200 million of them remain actively in use. 

What is a Root Domain?

A root domain is the main element of your website's domain name. In simple terms, it appears right after "www" and includes the domain extension such as ".com", ".net" or ".org".

Root domain

Understanding the concept of root domains can make a significant difference in creating and establishing an online presence. When it comes to being visible on the internet, the actual name of your website doesn't directly impact your rankings. However, some elements of domain name can influence your overall SEO efforts. Elements such as,

  • Keyword: Using relevant keywords in your domain name can attract the potential audience to your website.

  • Brand-ability: In your root domain, you should represent your brand, which makes it easier for visitors to associate with your brand identity.

  • Memorability: The root Domain must be easy to read, pronounce, and remember. It will make the audience and search engines understand your website.

  • Length: You need to keep your domain name shorter. It will help you in the search engine rankings. Having a clear and concise website name can boost your SEO efforts.

You need to clearly understand the significance of the root domain, which will help you make better decisions. It will include choosing a domain name, selecting a web hosting service, and managing your website's privacy and security.

What are some examples of Root Domain?

Root domain

Root Domains are everywhere on the internet, serving as the foundation for many websites. To understand the concept of the root domain in detail, let us look into some examples.

Business Websites:

Educational Institutions:

Government Websites:

Non-Profit Organizations:

News and Media:

Personal Blogs:

  • Tech Enthusiast's Blog: Root Domain - techgeekblog.com

  • Travel Blogger's Site: Root Domain - wanderlustadventures.net

  • Cooking Aficionado's Page: Root Domain - foodiechef.com

What are Top Level Domains?

A top-level domain is the suffix term at the end of a URL or a domain name. In simple terms, Top-level domains are the endings you see right of a web address, such as .com, .org, .net, etc. They act like category labels for websites. It will help you understand the purpose of the website or its origin.

Approximately 48% of websites worldwide have chosen to utilize the .com top-level domain (TLD), making it the most popular choice. Following closely, the .org TLD holds the second position with a 4.7% market share.

Top-level domain

There are two types of Top Level Domains:

Generic TLDs (gTLDs) are .com, .org, and .net are commonly used for various purposes.

Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs) are .in (India), .ca (Canada), or .uk (United Kingdom), which are specific to particular countries or territories.

  • The count of distinct TLDs reached 1,246 as of January 2020, offering a wide range of options for website owners.

  • The generic TLDs, .com, .org, .net, and .co are among the most favored choices.

  • Back in November 2018, 46.9% of all globally registered domains opted for the .com TLD, while 5.2% preferred .org. 

Choosing the right Top Level Domain can help you boost your SEO efforts. The Top-level domain can convey trust, purpose, or location, so you need to choose accordingly to match your website with your goals. Each top-level domain has its own regulations and has different registration requirements.

What is a Subfolder?

A subfolder is a child directory within a main folder. Similarly, subfolders are the "file folders" on your website that hold your webpage's files. These files can exist on a root domain and a subdomain. If you see from the user's perspective, these are the navigational sections of a site.

The subfolders are important and are directly related to the main website. These make it easier for search engines to understand and rank your website. They also boost the user experience as everything is organized nicely.

Examples of Subfolders are:

Illustrating with a Root Domain Example

Let's dive into a real-world example to see how root domains work in practice:

  • Root Domain: Imagine you're starting a new online clothing store called "Fashion Fusion". Your primary website address, or root domain, would be "fashionfusion.com."

  • Subdomains: Within your root domain, you can create subdomains for different purposes. 

For example:

  • Shop: You want to showcase your clothing collections, so you set up a subdomain called "shop.fashionfusion.com."

  • Blog: To share fashion tips and updates, you create another subdomain, "blog.fashionfusion.com."

  • Support: For customer inquiries, you establish "support.fashionfusion.com."

Each subdomain complements your primary website while serving distinct functions.

Top-Level Domain (TLD): Now, let's consider TLDs. You target a global audience and choose ".com" as your TLD. However, you also secure "fashionistahaven.co.uk" for a specific UK audience, using the country-code TLD ".co.uk."

In this example:

  • "fashionfusion.com" is your root domain with a generic TLD.

  • "shop.fashionfusion.com" is a subdomain for shopping-related content.

  • "blog.fashionfusion.com" is a subdomain for your fashion blog.

  • "support.fashionfusion.com" is dedicated to customer support.

  • "fashionfusion.co.uk" is tailored for the UK market with a country-code TLD.

Understanding this example, you see how root domains serve as the core identity of your website, while subdomains and TLDs allow you to organize, brand, and target different aspects and regions of your online presence.

What is the difference between Root Domain Vs. Subdomains?

Now let's look into some key differences between Root Domain and subdomains:

A root domain represents the core identity of your website, like your website's homepage. Subdomains are like a specialized section within your website, each with its unique purpose and content.

There can be only one root domain for your website; it is the foundation upon which everything else is built. You can have multiple subdomains. They can branch out from the root domain, creating a structured organization.

You can access your main website using the root domain, for example, domain.com. The subdomain has each web address, making specific parts of your website easily accessible, for instance, blog.domain.com.

Root domain appears at the top of the hierarchy and often includes the top-level domains such as '.com'. Subdomains can function as separate entities with their content, design, and functionality.

What are the differences between Root Domain vs. Top Level Domain?

Now let's look into some key differences between the Root Domain and top-level domain:

The Root domain is the core address that represents your entire website. Top Level Domains are the endings of domain names such as .com, .net, or .org.

Root Domains are the first part of any URL. It comes before Top-level domains. Top Level Domains categorize the websites according to commercial, organizational, and network-based.

How Do the Root Domain, Subfolder, and Subdomains Benefit Your SEO?

Root domain vs sub domain

You need to know a secret: Google does not share everything about how their search queries work. Some SEO experts have studied getting more people to visit your website using different parts of your web address.

Different parts of a website, like root domains and subdomains, can benefit from being on a solid main domain. However, not all subdomains can equally boost rankings. Some subdomains on websites such as WordPress and Tumblr need help from the main domain.

Conversely, the subfolder can get all the benefits of the subdomain. But if they are visible, it will be easier for search engines to find them. If you have quality links connecting different parts of the website, you will get some of the benefits from it.

If a subdomain is of high quality, it can make its pages rank better in search results. So, how your website is organized affects how well your content boosts your visibility.

What are some of the best SEO practices for Domains?

Now that you have gathered information about the basics of root domains let us maximize the search engine traffic by following the best SEO practices for domains.

  • Your domain name should be short, memorable, and easy to pronounce. It will make it easy for users to recommend to others via word of mouth. You should make a domain that, just by looking at the URL, you get an idea of what is in it.

  • Don't use keyword-rich or keyword-targeted words in your domain. The Keyword-rich names, these days, are associated with low-quality content. Google might even penalize you for the same.

  • Don't use hyphens in your domain name. It correlates with spammy content and usually decreases the readability and memorability of your domain name.

  • You should preferably go with '.com', the standard TLD. If '.com' is unavailable, you can opt for '.net', '.org', or any other TLDs.

  • If you want to build language specific website, you need to opt for subfolder or subdirectory architecture for your website.

  • You don't need to worry about how old or new your site is. Google only focuses on how long your website was first crawled or recorded inbound links.


Q. What Defines a Sub-Domain Name?

A sub-domain is a part of a primary domain used to organize or separate content. Example: "blog.example.com."

Q. Do Domain Names Impact SEO?

Yes, domain names influence SEO. They affect brand visibility and user trust and can impact rankings indirectly.

Q. Can the Domain Extension Affect SEO?

Yes, domain extensions matter. Some, like .com, are more trusted and versatile, potentially positively impacting SEO.

Q. Is .com Preferred for SEO?

Generally, .com domains are preferred for SEO due to their familiarity and trustworthiness, but other TLDs can work well if relevant.

Setting up a root domain is the beginning of your online success

So, you have gained lots of insights into the root domain and how important it is to create and manage a website. Root Domain is the foundation of your online presence. It also plays a vital role in the visibility and ranking of the website.

Setting up a root domain is the first step in building your website's online presence. You can also create a subdomain to organize your content and provide extra access points for your visitors. Proper monitoring and optimization will make your domain a formidable asset in the competitive digital world.

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